Nestled in the picturesque "Avenues" neighborhood, this Century home exudes timeless elegance while boasting modern updates that enhance its charm. Major Updates throughout, including but not limited to the Open concept of the Kitchen and Dining areas and the newer developed basement, H/E Boiler/Holding Tank, On Demand Hot Water, Electrical panel & some plumbing + has a Dbl. Det. Garage built in 2000. Gorgeous Hardwood Flooring, Wood Beam ceiling accents, plate rail, an enclosed 2nd floor sunroom, pantry/mudroom and even a fully fenced yard. 3 Bedrooms, Den, 2.5 Baths, fully developed, fully fenced & landscaped. This is a must-see Family Home nestled in the picturesque "Avenues" neighborhood.
#150 361 Main Street N., Moose Jaw Saskatchewan S6H 0W2