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344 Hillsdale Rd, Welland, Ontario, L3C 7M1

344 Hillsdale Rd, Welland
Ontario, L3C 7M1

344 Hillsdale Rd

  •  Type Residential
  •  2 Storey Style
  •  4 Beds
  •  4 Baths
  •  2,370 Sq. Ft.

Property Features

  • 2 car garage
  • Double driveway
  • 4 bedrooms
  • 4 Bathrooms
  • Built in 2007
  • Full and Finished basement
  • In-law potential
  • Fully fenced yard

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Interactive Floorplans

Floor 2: 1112 sq ft, Floor 3: 1109 sq ft,
Floor 1: 1084 sq ft

Total: 3305 sq ft

Sizes & Dimensions Are Approximate, Actual May Vary

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344 Hillsdale Rd

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